Thursday, March 31, 2011

Somebody's Fool

Open Documents Folder --> Click resignation letter --> Dated back then 01 March 2010


End of March.

Well, it's the deja vu kind of feeling. But nevertheless it's a step forward.
Yet. It is also a step backward.

I distinctly remember that last year around this time, i did a post on how i feel useless, and i was referring to how my dad at this age cannot take a break and still finding work and is further from the grandson he really loves.
And i was heartbroken.

But then he retired.

But due to circumstances, he has to go off again, once again probably missing his grandson's upcoming birthday.

It made me rethink a lot things in life.

A lot.

You say i bring bad culture, i say i'm bringing diversity.

You say i'm incompetent, i say your working style is inefficient.

You say good riddance, i say it's nothing personal, just business.

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