He said: Without money, life is hard.
I say: That's true, it's damned truth! People will come and say, " But think of other people, they are poorer and less fortunate, count ya blessings!" I can't argue with that, but i can say that we are living in a society where we are less fortunate as well, it's like how you can't compare how much you earn here and spend in UK with if you work in UK and spend there, it's unfair. We are placed in situations where our problems are relative to our surroundings.
No money, one of life's stupid problems, but it is how the world works. In the circle of life, animals eat other animals in order to survive, and those who are preys are also hunters, it's nature's barter system, you trade life for another, in that sense, it is "monetary". But the world as usual screws it up, now things are getting more expensive, our pay doesn't go up, and we keep looking for the higher paying job, we gamble, we buy stocks, play forex, all for the sake of getting more money. So money is the deal in life, but i would disagree that it should be the sole motivation, there are many things more, just, sometimes life fucks you up to screw you.
He said: Till now, i have no achievements that is remotely related to happiness.
I say: I hate medias, they put too much shit and emphasis to sensationalize things, and knowing sometimes our dumb brains, we tend to believe everything in it. Last year, i went to bangkok, the news reported riots and all, but when i landed there, it was awesome and peaceful, save for a few parts. When churches starts getting burnt down here, the world thinks we are screwed, wait we totally are, but because news gets out of hand, hatred is cited, what more with technology, we can start forums or groups that breeds hatred, sometimes i wonder if God is weeping so hard that we are desensitized to it we don't even care anymore. We purposely dumb ourselves down? Making us nothing more than just animals that can progress but yet being stupidly assholes?
So to you my friend, screw that shit, degrees = paper that you can buy off the street and no one will even know it's fake, "achievements" is just something we believe that we are supposed to have, but what achievement is it to be PM of the country and yet, you're not happy? How is that an achievement, think about it. Being selfish, to want to be happy isn't wrong, you just have to know that there is a line you don't cross, but before that line, to want to be selfish is ok.
He said: 5 years we will drink beer on a rooftop overlooking the city and look back and laugh at all these moments and think how stupid we were.
I say: I will see you there in 5 years.
It is now the 3rd year, where are we now?
We are moving, guided by the invisible hand.
2 more years, we will make it.
See you there.
-Purple Haze-
good one, dude, good one :D...i thought you were going to sleep after ciao-ing from MSN but you stayed up to write this post? lol
By the way, Anonymous above=Justin. Forgot to put my name haha
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