Sunday, February 03, 2008

To the ends of the earth.

Brought up in the way of the Christians has not been too kind on others.

Don't get it?

Example: Clubbing is sinful.


We have been conditioned to think that anything outside of church is evil and that Christianity is the one thing that keeps us from that evil. But what happens when our only refuge becomes the church and the christians becomes our only friends?

We doom the rest of the world.

We gladly stick to our own 'kind' and assume that the devil can't harm us there, we are sooo dead wrong.

I just got back from a jazz club, yes on saturday night, yeap, now its about 2 am on a sunday morning. I should be asleep like a good christian to prepare for church later.

I beg to differ, if God called us to the ends of the earth (note: ends is plural), i'm sure He doesn't mean just where Christians gather, but rather where Christians are not.

So, is going late night wrong? is mixing with the 'wrong' crowd sinful? If yes, then you are not any different than Pharisees that Jesus rebuked oh so often in the bible.

If yes, Jesus would have taught in the synagogue all day long only to those who are 'worthy'. Why would He go the the lepers? Or even to the sinful woman?

So before you holy-moly-holier-than-thou christians start condemning those who doesn't match up to YOUR expectations of being a Christian, think about What Would Jesus Do?

It is you Christians who thinks we must keep ourselves 'pure' and 'clean' that dooms all other people, if you can't go to the abyss and bring the light, then when will the second advent of Christ ever gonna come?

When the everyone heard of the gospel, then you know Jesus is coming. So where are you spreading them?

I don't use this as an excuse to do whatever i want and end up in church on sunday morning half dead, 'cause that is wrong! But i do wanna say that if i choose to skip certain things related to Christians so that i can be out in the FIELD, i would, with God's consent of course, above all, God's will come first, not you Christians who imposes rules and set up 'standards'.

Disclaimer: i don't condemn or disagree with Christians who have their principles of serving enthusiastically, i just merely saying we all play different parts. Nor do i condone going to clubs often to get drunk or laid, go to Christian Club, or Food Club or something whatever instead.


Anonymous said...

that's because most christians are stupid, narrow minded and stuck in our bloody holy huddle.

Anonymous said...

you and clubbing...forever an issue. hahaha! i think u blogged bout it once ady. there's no prob with clubbing la. cheer up. =)

on a more serious note, i think the more general problem is that christians tend to be more judgmental sometimes.

Christopher said...

yo yo. interesting post though.. you said you lost it .. i think you gained a new area. anyways.. hmm well anonymous by your comments you missed the fact, christians are humans .. so as similar to those who find comfort in clubbing .. like wise there are those who find that in church or in christian friends.

But i pretty much agree with mf in a view that why then shall we judge, but then again, perhaps the next question is where is the line for us personally....

For example.. clubbing is fine ... but is sexy dancing with a pretty lady on the dance floor fine?

haha ...

anyways.. keep it up bro.. so love your blog .. ..

Christopher said...
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