Sunday, July 20, 2008

Yea, you

First up, i am studying DEGREE in psychology, i appreciate you people coming up to me asking me this and that (not pointing to anyone specifically) but i just can answer what i know, so pardon me if most thing i don't know yet hehe

it is like how we ask a med student what is this and that, unfair, but life is unfair! =p

quick shout out to Charis who had her birthday few days ago, my bad for not texting on time, i have very poor memory, and certain someone probably did a lot, so i am just another random guy remembering someone else's girlfriend punya birthday.

i feel my worldly obligations is taking too much of me and i need to prioritize things, i could go on being selfish, living the way i want to, but in the end, will i be really happy? guess not.

been meeting up with people, and that is good, even though it is sucking my pocket dry!

should get a job, but, i just don't want to, wonder why, i don't mind working, well i could work if the right job comes by!

yes, beggars can be choosers, when they are still in uni!

"曾經有一份至真嘅愛情放在我面前,我冇珍惜,等到失去嘅時候先後悔莫及,人世間最痛苦的事莫過於此,如果個天可以比多次機會我嘅話,我會對嗰個女孩子說三個字:我愛妳。如果一定要係依份愛上加一個期限,我希望是一萬年!" - Stephen Chow, 周星馳 ( apparently, according to my friend, a very famous movie quote)

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