Sunday, October 03, 2010


As i watched there all the kids with their parents, i think that there is hope for the nation.
The past weekend i spent a lot of time with myself, then i spent some time trying to understand other people, and i just got more confused in the end.
The lushes of green, the oceans waves hitting the rocks and making a thunderous sound, the smell of salt carried by the winds, i think i could die happy there.
Everywhere i look, every small thing reminds me of you, but, the truth is, it just a chapter i wish to burn.
i wrote poems for you, sing songs for you, make a fool of myself for you, only to have other reap the harvest
It's like a comedian, making people happy, but who knows if he is the one that wants to be happy?
I'd fly a plane just to reach to you.

fly the ocean in a silver plane 
see the jungle when it's wet with rain 
just remember till you're home again -
you belong to me 
You belong to me cover, Jason Wade


Justin said...

i was wondering...the 'you' in your post the same old 'you'? still cannot let got eh? hmm...

anyway, i see a pic of Cliff of Moher! w00t !

-L- said...

yea same, sad right? don't know why so hung up about it, and why you ciao? cannot talk also!

Justin said...

it takes time, no worries. hmm you are not the only one that ask me why i ciao...a lot of people have been asking me that question seems easy to answer but somehow i just can't find the appropriate words for it. we will talk soon. let me get a laptop first. haha. i've been really out of touch with the latest happenings since i came to ireland..super sad case.