Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I accidentally opened a folder
Saw a set of pictures
The past weight appeared on my shoulders
The flash of my life featured

I saw what happened 3 years ago
How i ended up here
The worst of the reflection shows
The hideous part of my fears

Bury the hands that touched you
Bury the legs that walked with you
Sew the lips that spoke words to you
Blind the eyes that belongs to a fool

Leave the dead alone
Throw away the keys
Your sins i will not atone
Whispered the withered trees

I've clicked the red box with the X
Shut away the past
Refrain from giving you a text
The emotions away i thrust

If you shall chance upon this
Know that I've shed enough tears
After all, at the very least
Know that you have the best of my years.

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