Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Figuring Love

Love has been a subject for many songs, movies, dramas, motivation, fights and what not. Why is love so important?

I do not presume to be an expert in the topic of love, rather i'm figuring out still what this really is.

In the bible, it is written that there are 3 things: faith, hope and love, and that love is the greatest among them all.

I could see why, because God the Father, in His Son's worst moment decided to turn his face away from Him in order to demonstrate the greatest love of all - to let His Son die for all our sins in order to give way for sinners like us to go to God.

It is also written the there is no greater love than for a friend to lay down his life for another friend.

But outside the context of religion, love also prevails in songs, where some of it misconstrued it as sex, some of it  like a fairy tale.

But what is it really?

I wish i knew the answer, love isn't easy, it isn't easy to say it to someone because to love someone is to accept the person for who he/she is, and that is a problem to me, it is hard to accept a lot of people for who they are, same goes for others towards me, to love me is to accept me and  i know i am not easy to be loved.

The problem with love is that it can lead people to do the dumbest of things - suicide, kidnapping, rape.
This is what i label as perverted love, the love they have for one another is perverted, very much like sodom and gomorrah.

But the other end of love is when Abraham, despite all the despicable things the people were doing in those cities, pleaded with God to spare them.

Hosea, when his unfaithful wife ran off repeatedly, his love for her is so great that it overwrites all of the things she has done and still win her back.

Joseph, his love for God was so great that he was not tempted when he was seduced in order to preserve the sanctity of the lady's marriage and to preserve his body for a lover God set apart for him.

Love, so pure, so powerful.

i'm beginning to fall in love with a person, and in time i want to let her know that.

1 comment:

dude said...
