Thursday, January 11, 2007

Happy Blessed Belated 22nd Birthday!!

Supposed to put this up yesterday, which was also my sis' birthday, but couldn't log in for who knows what reason. So here it is now.

Happy birthday to my sister!
22 years old man.
Too bad i've only known her for 21 years.

Well, what can i say about my sis?
She seems to have a hard life (So she claims), but yea, maybe she was too concern about her physique. Maybe it's because no one understood her. It could be lotsa reasons.

Whatever reason it may be, i know God has the best reason for her being born to this world. I do think that birthdays are sometime a reminder of why God placed us here in the first place, that is to fulfill His will.

My sister, though we aren't as close as others would have been. But i think we understand each other. We've been through a lot. Not the same problems. But equally as taxing. I'm both proud and sad to say that no one in this world really understands what we went through. Not to say that our problems are the most complexing ones, but they are unique in their own way.
Only a few would know what we truly are. There are many whose life has been a bed of roses(comparatively) and yet still complain about things. Even if we do not have that luxury of a comfortable life, i think we by God's grace pulled through thus far.

Honestly, even people we knew for so long tend to be stranger to us. It's not they are at fault, but it is because they do not know what true suffering means. I say this not to provoke anyone, but really it's the truth. Even speaking now, we are going through some rough times, but who can tell? Not as if people are that concern to ask what is going on. To be fair, we did our part by even trying to communicate with others, but it tends to be a one way affair. So we done our part, God be our witness.

So here i am, saying i love my sister Dewgem very much. I will not tolerate anyone saying bad things about her. I will die for her. Even if she thinks the world treats her cruelly and many shun her presence, at least i;m still here, and God is here.

So Happy birthday sister. I hope by this post, people will come to understand you a bit better. The world may not seem like a colourful place. But giving it a chance, maybe some day, some people will paint your world to be as colourful as i think it should be.

It's never about the world,
nor the things that surrounds you.
It's never about the people whom you're with.
It's never about the life you thought you should have,
instead it's about you and God and what He made you to be.
Never be put down by words that bears no meaning,
never shed a tear for things that has no eternity.
But laugh and cry to our Lord Jesus,
for it is He who truly is your companion throughout the years to come.

Happy birthday!

1 comment:

lisathetan said... sweet.
You're one wierd boy, but an awesome brother =)