Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Swimming with the fishies

Aquaria was a success!


I had fun looking at those weird big ass bad looking fishes, man, God is truly amazing with His creation, and the people we went with was all the more amazing

makes you question, what the heck are you doing with your life??

You have a 'normal' life, but you keep complaining over trivial things, like where you gonna work, why your grades ain't improving, and stupid heck things!

These people have a life way more difficult than you'll ever know, and their parents are even more amazing...

will you please stop complaining of what you don't have but thank God for what you do?

Better still, take what you have and use it for God..

stop wallowing in self-pity, stop looking at things only through your eyes, you're way better than that.

For more details of what we did at aquaria, read the post by Victoria!

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