Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Why do i feel... my crazy amazon lady neighbor is a bother?
She just wanted to borrow some candles if i have some to spare, i know she is taking advantage, but if i have any to spare, shouldn't i help anyway? She is alone, mentally ill and have no water or electricity source, she just needed some bloody candles, why do i feel like she owed me her life or something. an escapist escaping from this place? Got too many things to worry, yet not doing anything, important things going to shamble and becoming rubble, but i'm still trying to leave it a day later and later and later. 2nd rate? God is so far from me? i am myself, when i know i ain't the same?

...this post is silly, since no one knows anything anyway?-Beginning of a life sentence-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looking good!!! :)