"I find your lack of faith disturbing." -Darth Vader
Star wars is cool, Episode 4, 5 and 6 only.
Anyway, i find my lack of faith disturbing, or is it liberty?
A lot would say "have eternity in mind!" but what is eternity?
Some take the Christian faith too literal.
A friend told me that by 30 he'd wanna either be pursuing a PhD or end up in some god forsaken country doing some mission work, and hey, i'd say it's a good plan, but he told me that his church leader told him that it's too extreme and that maybe God wants him to find a middle ground.
That really pissed me off!
Why is it extreme? Who are you to use God's name in vain and dispense stupid advice to people?
This kind of people are the ones that should be condemned.
If "true" freedom is found in Christ, then how come so many are trapped in a metaphorical prison?
That's the problem, or one of the many problems, church leaders would say be united for the purpose of God and stuff, but all they keep doing is direct us to be brainless slave, to strive to keep us in a building, to make us work, make us do all things, without consideration of the fact that we are humans with some sort of FREEDOM.
Disagree? Yea, all of you probably disagree.
I say i wanna be a missionary, you people ask me to think thoroughly and go do something else first.
Then i said i wanna venture into the corporate world and work up the ladder, you people question me using God's name and asking if that is what God really wants of me.
Tell me, are you Elijah? Are you John the Baptist? Are you even the least in the kingdom of God? Who are you to say such things so loosely that can have detrimental effects on people?
Oh trust me, i still believe in God, i still proclaim i am Christian, and yes, you're right, now the you can put it against me the question, who am i to tell you any of this? For one, and the most obvious, this is my blog, i have rights to say things, 2nd, at least i have the balls to question such things, 3rd, i've witnessed too many fellow Christians being trapped into such thinking that their maximum potential is not realized.
In biblical accounts, most of the prophets died horribly, and they did things that are against conventional movements. So how did us Christians became this way?
I admit, i go to church, but not embracing, i believe but disappointed, i trust God but not His people, i smile but deprived inside.
If truly wanna break free, stop hanging out with Christians all the time.
I will end this entry with a loosely paraphrased quote from a friend, he said that Christians always plan their retreats and camps on long weekends such as this weekend's Raya celebration, then where comes the opportunity to be a friend to other people of different faith if any of them wanna invite us to their open house or celebrate together?
In that sense, we already..