Wednesday, November 28, 2007

All Black

Imagine wearing black jeans or slacks or whatever you wear down there

what color top would you wear to match it?

Almost any color, mom always say: anything goes with black.

I guess same goes to the world, world drowned in black, anything done in it seems to fit, killing, stealing, mocking, lying, hitting, raping, cursing..... all is justified one way or another.

BSF said in this world that is so dark in the background, we soldiers of Christ should shine even more to pierce through the darkness.

Trivial things shouldn't matter anymore people, why should it? in the bigger picture the Artist is painting, what is it to you that a speck of dust should stain it a lil?

Take heart, that by year end, we be where we are because the Artist painted us there

in the world that is all black, in the place where sins are justified, shouldn't we shine?
Worst part is, we are all capable of committing things we condemn and things we find despicable.

Judge not or be judged!


Anonymous said...

this just came to mind: if the world in the background grows darker then even if we shine the same, our brightness will increase in a relative sense. hehe...

-L- said...

leave thy logic at home la hahaa, doesn't matter!

at least i don't care la haha