Sunday, November 18, 2007


Well, why do I play pc games or console games?


1. David recorded one of the first few headshots in history by pwn-ning Goliath in the head with a shot from a sling.
2. Moral ambiguity happens all the time in bible stories, so that's what bunch of other games does to us too.
3. We are always fighting against evil, so we do that in games too.
4. We need game manuals to survive, and the bible does provide answers for us when we get into trouble in life.
5. Good pc games need high end pcs to run, therefore in the same way, we need to have a really high end relationship with God to further level up ourselves and run the race.
6. Cheating always let us win in the end, but it does us no good in terms of skills nor satisfaction, so we can't cheat with God and gain a shortcut and we end up in hell.
7. We need to reload when we run out of ammo; we always need the Word to boost us spiritually to fight back evil.
8. When we make a wrong move, we game over, but we have save points or retry to rectify our mistake. Sometimes in life, God allows second chance for us to make things right.
9. Investing time in games so we can overcome its difficulty is like we must invest time in God so we can be strong in faith.
10. We equip all sort of items for our in game character to win. We only need God's full proof armor - shield of faith, sword of truth, helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness and belt of truth and we are set to advance on our spiritual journey with God as our Big Boss!

So there you go!


BiteM said...

this is your best post.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget. You can't always get by alone when life is "Hardcore" because it can get too tough. Co-op eases things which is why we always help out our brother/sister in Christ when they're down! Yeah!

-Note: Press X to revive-

JTan said...


Anonymous said...

I like this post. Worthy of a mass copy paste for emails, blogs..... * note, didn't do it tho*