But the seemingly short holidays after exams are good. Meetin
g new people, hanging out with good friends.
Getting back into the gaming groove, i lost it. After intense guitar hero-ing, i realized i slacking in playing my actual guitar, argh, all the talks of improving all tak jadi.
I wonder, why are christians the worst judge?
Sometimes living in this world, it seems the christians are the ones persecuting the christians, nay, i talk not of other places but only places i've been, lest you think me short sighted and already prejudging me.
I think, if not for a few buddies of mine sticking with me despite the different viewpoints we have, i'd already will be somewhere else.
It seems true that some people say christianity is a product of groupthink.
I like to think that christians have more brains to think for themselves than to blindly follow men made rules, yes, even church rules.
We should be shrewed, wise and thinkers, not programmable minds to just follow and blindly submit, i urge you christians to start thinking with God in mind, and not adhere to just rules and regulations that are "right" because your leaders say so, question them! Be like the bereans!
Check everything with God and His word.
I'm not perfect, but i'm no slacker either. Let the church evolve with the world, but you stay God-centered.
Sign up for more bible study classes, equip yourself more of God's words.
by the way i like the picture.
haha, sign up more bible classes? not really good also ler
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