Saturday, June 13, 2009


I grew up wanting to be a pilot. Drive a huge machine, maybe to compensate for something, maybe it's cool. Whatever it was, i wanted to travel so badly, and what better way to make a living out of it!
Then in primary school, i started having vision problems, probably genetics, or too much comics. Someone told me that people with specs hardly become a pilot. Dream gone.

Then i wanted to be a lawyer. Seems cool, make money, assist in attaining justice, be a clean good lawyer. Then we had Sejarah, totally put off by the mindless reading and then comes Pengajian Am, totally waste of time, not that the subject was not informational, the way they write the text book was already biased and i felt pointless reading it. Dream gone.

Then i wanted to be a missionary. After high school, immersed myself in life in college and university, they way people think are vastly different, and they made sense, call me weak in will, but circumstanstial wise, it is hard not to deviate towards their thinking. Dream put on hold.

Then i just wanted to work and travel. See the world, make enough to support myself, and probably do some local work to aid in whatever way i can to whichever society i was in wherever i am. Then i grew up, responsibilities came, things took a turn of change. Dream put on hold.

No wonder, as i grew up, people kept saying dreams are just dreams, what is important is to be successful. But, successful is just a measurement people place upon themselves to target where they wanna end up to be. My success is to live a fulfilled life, yeap, being poor is a bitch, unable to provide security for people i love is agony, but i guess i i am happy with what i am doing, i don't mind.

Put on tainted lenses, and i see people who gets it all, or they have a plan, or they succeed in whatever they do, most of the time anyway, some attributed it to God, some their parents, some just keep denying that they are blessed and say they work just as hard, what a load of crap! There is no equality in this world, you're born to be rich, you're rich! Simple as that.

Using my naked eyes, and i see a world in poverty, broken people broken lives, i have a roof over my head, i have a complete family, i still go out have fun, so who am i to say my life is full of shit?

Sometimes, its the standard of living we set for ourselves that caused us to have such a shitty mindset.

My dreams will probably never come true, i probably will work, make money, provide, be content to give out some cash to charity to "help" out people.
Nay, that shall never happen!
Never ever become jaded.
- Oh, Whatever~ -


kingsley sia said...

Amen to that, my Lord.

But still, I wanna be a rockstar.

-L- said...

ah! me too, but i not enough skill and not rock-ish enough =(

kingsley sia said...

There is no one definition to 'rockstar' and you are a rockstar no matter how rock-ish you are. You are my indie-acoustic-rock lord!

siehjin said...

hey lordson. =)

i'm interested in this part of what you wrote:

"Then i wanted to be a missionary. After high school, immersed myself in life in college and university, they way people think are vastly different, and they made sense, call me weak in will, but circumstanstial wise, it is hard not to deviate towards their thinking. Dream put on hold."

what i'm curious is, exactly how did your thinking change in college and uni?

and just want to encourage you that, the dreams that we dream out out of our own ego and desires, it is often good and right to give up those dreams. and that can include "noble" dreams like becoming a missionary or a pastor - if it's from ourselves, then give it up.

but if the dream is given by God - if it is a calling - then hold on it it. put it on hold maybe, but don't give up on it. and trust Him to lead you there, to the right place at the right time.

His dreams are always the best for us. and they are often more than we could ask or imagine. give up your dreams, but follow His dreams. =)