Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Been talking to mom lately, guess didn't really communicate with her over the past years, but now we got a bit of mutual understanding between us =)

A lot happened this year, but so far looking better than 2009!
Good stuff:
- Got a nephew who i'm gonna mil for cash! muahaha
- Made more substantial friends, adding to my quite cool list of friends.
- Went Thailand for mission trip, good fooood
- Build better friendships with people
- Street Fighter 4
- On my way to grad!
- Still having good friends around (the old ones)
- Knowing I am a better man than certain people of my age
- Friends came back from overseas for holidays!

Bad stuff:
- Need to find job soon, dreams of doing my own stuff after graduation seem unlikely now
- More and more problems, more responsibilities
- My dog depressed
- Busy till can't catch up with friends as much as i would like to
- Xbox 360 been neglected, i think she filing a divorce.
- God and I seem to be separated by a metaphorical chasm
- No thong as birthday present
- People still call me Watson, Lordston, Lawson, Lawrence

But all in all, good year, better than when i fell sick!
Been playing some street fighter, my gaming cred all gone.
I lost to a girl, YES, a girl.
Then i lost to my sifu, Aku, for 36 rounds consecutively.
At least i won one or twice with some people, SOME people.
but good game!

why Chun-Li's thighs so thick? Can feed the whole third world country wei!
With You


farah said...

dude that chun li thigh joke is old. not original!

and when can i TIGER UPPERCUT you again?? muahahahaha

-L- said...


Kingsley said...

So she the chick you lost to, my Lord?

By the way, I think you made a typo. It's supposed to be 2008 and not 2009 right?

-L- said...

ahah, terrible, yea 2008, typo! thanks for noticing!

farah said...

kingsley: since lordson didn't wanna answer your question, i answer for him. YES. i HADOUKEN his ass!!